+For all them first times.
(For FB: This entry came from Zhong Ru's blog, click HERE to view the post in Rich Text and its original formatting!)
+I read Christine's blog which summarizes all her "first times" which happened last year and I'm very inspired! So I'm doing the same! Let's see what happened last year that was fun and exciting!
1. JJ Orientation 2009! This is great! Every year, there's one thing we look forward to and that's Orientation! Going back to school, running camps, seeing youngsters, secretly wishing we could turn back the clock and don the councillors' badge proudly...Why else would we return to JJ?
2. I left. Brunei embraced me, or rather, I embraced Brunei for 7 months. This trip sounds short but its actually not. With nothing much to do there, everyday just drags by slowly. That said, Brunei also taught me a lot, like how to be selfish and generous to different people, how to 见人说人话, 见鬼说鬼话, how to 出尔反尔, how to play office politics to win the favour of your superiors, how to wear a mask everyday to protect yourself...Believe me, what I'm saying is the truth. We are not evil by nature, 只是被环境所迫...好人只有被欺负的份, 这点我已经学到了. I THINK I WATCHED TOO MUCH《宫心计》! HAHAHA
3. Cleaning arms for 3 days straight! Haha, because of a stupid mistake from our superiors, we were punished! How? By sending us to Lakiun Camp (ask all the OCS guys - 那里不是人住的!) to clean all the arms in their armskotes! There are like 5 armskotes, all filled with dirty M16, SAR21 and other heavy weapons. It was horrible, and the living conditions there are really @#*#&$^!!! What a bad memory and bad first time, which is why I shall post happier Brunei pictures!
4. First time my birthday was celebrated overseas! June 11 2009, my birthday in Brunei! I received various gifts and among them were a bag of Singapore air from Weiling - which was deflated the time it reached here - 花蝴蝶CD from Germaine and a Happy Birthday video from LINE COMM(& their gfs)!!!
5. 8PG in one piece. It's been what, 5 years? Or for some of us 7? Yet we still meet very frequently, and it's really a blessing to know people like you all! May we be close for a longer time to come and in the future talk about our kids' PSLE results! :D And someone's kids' O LEVEL results! HAHAHA!

6. Halloween, Christmas, Countdown. I only have one sentence: 26TH PARTIES ARE THE BEST. Who else would dress up with you for Halloween in Black and camo cream? Who else would dress up for Christmas in White and do crazy and dumb gift exchanges with you? Who else would sit with you at the bridge and wait for 2010 while being ridiculed by passerbys? And who else would walk for hours with you, around City Hall at 3, 4 and 5am in the morning? ONLY 26TH. And this year would be a year of 21st(s)! So here's to all the parties to come! WOOHOO!!!
7. I only clubbed twice the whole of last year! WOOHOO!!! Yeah. Once with Weiling, Char, Christine and Edmund, the other time with Benja, Bel, Bryan, Celeste, Amira and various other people! I'm the real good boy here! (Actually after looking at the pictures, I realized I went like 3 or 4 times. LOL! But that's still very little!)
8. BKK does not stand for Burger King King. I thought it did. LOL. Anyway, this isn't the first time I went to BKK, but it is the very first time in many years, (like 4? Not counting the 2007 disastrous Vietnam trip) that I've been overseas with my family!
9. Apple Fanboy. Yeah. With the iPod Nanos I acquired for myself and my sister in August, followed by my MacBook in November and my iPhone in December, not to mention becoming a regular follower of MacRumours and Apple.com, I certify myself an Apple Fanboy.
10. Pink IC=Civilian status. Yes, a date that all NSFs look forward to so eagerly is our ORD! Mine was 101109! I'll never forget the day that I walked through the gates, wearing civilian and upon being stopped by the RPs, waved my Pink IC at them and said,"O-R-D LIAO!!!" Ultimate shiokness. Hahaha! And I was still talking to ZW today of our days in JJ, then in Falcon, and then we were like,"现在都当完兵了..." All I can say is time flies!
December 2007
December 2009
+And many many others! Like first time spending over $200 buying clothes in a single store, first time looking for a job, first time I tweeted, first time go outfield, first time really drinking, first time I felt evil, first time attended a costume party, and the list goes on.
+Take a look at the above list and see how many you were a part of! Let's hope that we can do even more exciting things together in 2010! I know we can, cause I'm going into Uni this year! I'm sure 2010 will be a ROCKING YEAR! :D
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