+OMG Can you believe it's been yet another year? Time sure flies, doesn't it? Anyway, that means it's time for my annual blog post! Notable events that transpired! ;) (Click
here to read the 2009 edition!) Let's see what happened in 2010 that was fun and exciting!
1. JJ Orientation 2010! As always, this is the highlight of the year where we get to see everyone again! We'll also get to meet our juniors, play games, go crazy like nobody's business! Totally awesome! :D However, all that is about to change, sadly.
2. Concerts! Let's see, in 2010, I've been to 3 concerts! Namely, Kelly Clarkson, A*Mit, O School recital! Of these 3, I think I enjoyed myself most in A*Mit's concert! She is really damn good live! And I remember how we got $60 tickets for Kelly Clarkson's tickets and then got $100 seats instead. EPIC.
3. 21st Birthday Parties! Seeing how this is the year where most of my friends turn 21, there were pretty much huge birthday celebrations every month! Let me post some of the more memorable ones! :D Mine, ironically was a small affair, because as you know, I find my own birthday rather depressing. Haha
Char's |
Meng Xiang's |
Jing Xian's |
Celeste's |
Yan Ling's
Germaine's |
Shao Rong's |
Mine |
Mine |
Mine |
Han Yang's |
Sokkin's |
Bryan's |
Dawina's |
Peirong's |
4. RV Students' Council Camp! This was super super fun! We got to take up the roles of seniors once again and went down to guide their SC! They were a bunch of fun loving people and were very hard-working, not to mention smart. We sure had fun playing and working with them! Looking forward to our next project! :D
5. 8PG Outings! Once again, our little gang managed to survive another year together. LOL! That sounds really depressing! Anyway, we even managed to go overseas together this year - Batam! It's always really fun to hang with these guys, we've known each other for so long so we can talk about almost everything. :D Keep close!
6. VEGA! NTU SPMS Orientation came and went in July, and I made a real good bunch of friends that I can count on in school! Without them I'll really just die. Hahaha of boredom, mostly. Also, they are the most active on Twitter out of my group of friends and it's always funny to see them twittering away! ;)
7. SPMS Mystified! I got into the school's pageant! Haha even though I didn't win, it was still a really good experience, in fact, one that I was secretly looking forward to in uni. Heheheh. I got to see the inner workings of a modeling agency, learnt some stuff that would cost hundreds of dollars outside, and made some good friends too! The only hard part was putting in tons of effort to try to perfect our walk and dance. That was tiring, but fruitful. So if any of you guys ever have a chance to participate in a pageant, I'd say "Go For It!" :D
8. MJ! NTU Modern Jazz and Hip Hop! I made it for the auditions and the dance practices were really something that I looked forward to every week! I don't have many pictures to post but that does not mean that I don't enjoy it! I'm not the best dancer out there, but I'm glad MJ accepted me and gave me a chance to learn.
9. Driving License! I got my freaking driving license this year! And I failed once. Zzzzz. I am so glad I passed it on my 2nd try! Those who are still attempting or learning, good luck and jiayou! :D
10. S23! We sure had many outings this year! And they are also always enjoyable! You guys are also another hilarious bunch of people. Not forgetting you guys managed to make me drunk. Let's have more outings soon! Like totally? Seriously?! Like awesome?! ;)
11. My Dear 26th! There's always a warm fuzzy feeling when it comes to 26th. I don't know, it's just different. This year, despite all odds, we managed to pull of a trip to Genting with 18 people! It's a logistical nightmare and I salute Celeste and KS for planning and executing it! We sure had tons of fun in Genting! Many many epic moments transpired that will be talked about for years to come, I'm sure. ;) Also, I'm still not convinced that my eye massager/vibrator/dildo was the worst gift. Seriously.
+And many many more! Some events were really fun and cool but didn't make the list include: Emo singing sessions with Bel, Amanda, Benja and Chendi, acquiring the new iPad and iPhone 4, so on and so forth!
+If you find yourself mentioned in the above points or see yourself in the pictures, congratulations! You are an important friend to me and I hope to do more exciting stuff together in 2011! Here's wishing everyone an exciting and AWESOME 2011!!! :D
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