+In less than 30 days time, I would be back in Singapore for good. Haiz. But seriously, this last month here in Brunei seems so long. And I can't believe I'm leaving soon. 7 months have passed just like this; in the blink of an eye. What have I accomplished, and what more can I achieve in this last month?
+During my tour here, I've 1)touched up my tank work, which I've already forgotten a large part during my stint in HQ Armour, 2)honed my Photoshop skills - which I picked up in HQ Armour, but very basic only - I've learned more about it here doing my camp newsletter, 3)improved my fitness, which has never been this good - sadly.
+In the coming month, I hope to end of my tour here happily, for I have never been good at happy endings. LOL! We have a stand-down parade on the 29th this month, and I hope that will go well too. During rehearsals, it has been good, so I hope that this remains. And also to my newfound friends in Lancer whom I will be leaving behind, sorry! I'll come fetch you from the airport in November - or March - depending when you guys return! I promise! =)
+The date I'm coming back is October the 19th, a monday. When I get back to Singapore, I'll get 4 days of disembarkation leave, meaning I'll only need to head back to camp the following monday. Awesome.
+Oh by the way, Dan Brown's latest novel is out!

+And it's called "The Lost Symbol", featuring Robert Langdon, the main character from The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons. I'm reading this on my mobile phone, and I must say it's very Dan Brown, a writing style which I miss reading. This author knows suspense like no other. A must-read! For those who liked this, check out my (old and halfway written) fanfiction of The Da Vinci Code, The JJCode! It's a thriller set in Jurong Junior College! There's about 5 chapters if I'm not wrong.
+There's so many things that I want to do when I go back to Singapore, and I can't wait! =)))
hey zr! i like the JJCode!! do update it when u're free ya? =)
OK! haha I should be free very soon! Thanks! =)))
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