+Remember one scene in the 2006 Jet Li movie "Fearless"(霍元甲)? Jet Li's character Huo Yuanjia was at his low point in life and wandered to Yun Nan, where he was taken in by farmers. To repay them, he helped to work at the paddy fields too.
+One day, the farmers were, as usual, working hard in their paddy fields on the mountains of Yun Nan, when a breeze started sweeping across the fields. To Yuanjia's surprise, everyone dropped their tools and stood up, stretched their arms, closed their eyes and enjoyed the wonderful mountain breeze caressing their faces.
+Can you imagine that now? Taking in deep breaths of the cool crisp air, letting it take over your entire body, relaxing your mind and soul...
+I need that. Because I feel that I have been working forever. Although that isn't even necessarily true.
+I find communicating with people sadder and sadder these days. How many times have you called out to somebody just to say "I miss you?" or "Hey, how's your day today?" ?
+Think about it. Many times, when we talk to someone else, it's just to convey a certain message, fullstop. For example, "XXX asks you to meet him at XXXtiming." or "So and so needs your assistance, please help." or "Hey, I need these by monday, 8am, sharp." etc.
+We have become phone lines, mere messengers, nothing more.
+Sometimes, I would like to know: Is anyone thinking of me now? Not those you know, Hey where is Zhong Ru huh, did he take our key? Oh yes, I think Zhong Ru still owes me work. Yup, these are done by Zhong Ru. Zhong Ru has instructed me to do this this this.
+How about: I wonder how's Zhong Ru doing now? Is he happy now? Can't believe we were so happy last time, I kind of miss him.
+When was the last time someone said to me, "Hey I'm calling just to tell you I miss you."?
+I guess I really do need a break.
想念一个人 是多么痛苦的事情
痛得我 不敢去面对
想念一个人 是多么痛苦的事情
痛得我 无法去承受
恨下心 转过身 想要走
i do care. many of us do.
i guess we just slipped into passiveness.
how about you?
do you think of us?
this "caring" thing is harder than it sounds.
for one, it might be hard for one to put down his pride to admit that he cares about someone who might not even care 2 hoots about him.
moreoever, if one enjoys being loved and cared about, then he also becomes accountable to the people who love him:
if he is happy, and if he loves the ppl who love him, then he must not forget to drop them little notes to say that he's okay.
when he is doing not so well, he must take time to inform those people too, even when he knows that they might not understand, nag, or even interfere.
this is a commitment which i personally find very challenging. i am very blessed to have friends who care, yet at the same time i am seemingly cursed with the inability to reciprocate. the fortunate thing that it is not impossible to slowly learn how to. so thanks for posting this... it forces me to ponder too... about what went wrong between me and some of my own friends too. is it coz we don't hang out enough? or are they too insensitive? they don't get me?
maybe i shld start making conscious effort to care instead of just waiting... hurting...
giving up...
"Oh just remember the telephone works both ways"
-Jason Mraz, "You and I Both"
take care in camp. don't stop feeling, don't stop thinking. but don't despair too.
miss you.
*previous comment deleted coz i messed up my "he" and "she". lol
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