+Went to Berakas Beach for our cohesion recce today! It's a beautiful place!
Isn't it beautiful?
It's 2 plus in the afternoon, after a heavy downpour. The air was really fresh and crisp.
空无一人 这片沙滩··· BBQ Pit
Sheng Shi and I on the see-saw. Retarded, I know.
Arthur and I on the swing! I fell off the swing shortly after this was taken. LOL
Sheng Shi, Me, Arthur!
Sheng Shi, Arthur and Erbert! I took this picture! Don't you think I'm a better photographer? Haha
Group photo infront of Giant Pitcher Plants
Finally, here's a (not so nice) photo of me! I'm doing ok, I guess!
+For larger, clearer and more pictures, please go to my facebook to view! Thanks!
詞/林秋離 曲/涂惠元
写信告诉我今天 海是什么颜色
夜夜陪著你的海 心情又如何
灰色是不想说 蓝色是忧郁
而漂泊的你 狂浪的心 停在哪里
写信告诉我今夜 你想要梦什么
梦里外的我是否 都让你无从选择
我揪著一颗心 整夜都闭不了眼睛
为何你明明动了情 却又不靠近
叹惜著谁又被伤了心 却还不清醒
一定不是我 至少我很冷静
可是泪水 就连泪水 也都不相信
这片海未免也太多情 悲泣到天明
写封信给我 就当最后约定
+I shouted out to the sea. I wonder if it heard me...?
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