+The concert opened with his most mysterious song "眼色". When the concert first started, there was this veil in front of the stage. When Yoga started singing, the veil was still there, with the image of Yoga singing projected on the veil. When the song reached "我會讓你 跌入深不見底的快樂 無法 忘記我的雙眼", there was a bang of pyrotechnics and the veil dropped, revealing Yoga on a platform high on the stage, dressed like one of those 19th century gothic jokers. If you can imagine what I just described, it is actually a very very intense buildup.
+And the lights! The lights! I would do something like that for JJNite if we had the budget! LOL.
+Yoga was pitch perfect the whole night, with his high notes coming out beautiful and powerful, tugging at your heart strings everytime he does it. Although his first few songs were slow ballads, I have to say this: 怎么听慢歌也会这么HIGH??!!! Seriously! His last song for the first segment was "背影" and I was damn happy 'cause that's one of my favourites songs!
+Next came the fast numbers, which was a series of retro hits from 郭富城, 小虎队and草蜢! It was only 20 minutes into the concert and Yoga had us all standing on our feet! WOOHOO! And yes, Yoga's fast songs were just as good as his slow ones.
+Following that was the first guest star for the night, Olivia Ong! She sang really beautifully! Olivia first sang a duet version of "Fly Me To The Moon" with Yoga, followed by her own solo performance of popular TV drama 小娘惹's theme song "如燕". It was filled with FU when she first started, but she got boring really quickly, and I was damn glad when she got off the stage. Beautiful voice but no, I won't pay to watch her for 2 hrs.
+Then Yoga came out again! With a series of songs, some his, some covers, but each was good enough to make us stand and wave along with him. Watching him perform, you wouldn't even believe he's just a newcomer with 1 album only. I have to admit I haven't heard some of the songs he chose, yet I was listening very closely to every song he sang. Some of the songs were so meaningful. I don't know the titles, but when I do, I'll share them here.
+And SHE came on stage! WOOOOHHOOOOO!!!
+The trio girl band performed 4 songs!! They were on stage for a full 30minutes! Really worth my ticket price lah! haha! They sang "宇宙小姐", "我爱烦恼", "沿海公路的出口" and "612星球"! They were really funny and said they were here to 抢歌迷! LOL. Then they asked," 你们觉得我们是不是SUPERSTAR啊?" Which led to the superhigh song, you guessed it, "SUPERSTAR". It appeared to be a duet with Yoga but it turned out rather disastrous as both parties didn't seem to have rehearsed before hand. But SHE, being the seasoned singers around, turned the awkard situation around by doing sultry dance moves with(on?) Yoga! Hahaha! In my opinion, Selina looked the best, Hebe sang the best, and Ella was the most hilarious!
+Then Yoga took over the stage again and treated the audience to a medley of jazzy and broadway-like songs. Again, I didn't know some of the songs, but still, I was listening very closely and enjoying the whole coolness and feel of the atmosphere. Until some fans decided to lead the audience in rhythmic clapping! Like WTH! Rhythmic clapping in jazzy songs! The whole ambience was spoiled by them! GRRR.
+And to our disappointment, Yoga said the concert was coming to an end soon. I was like, WHAT?!! Then we checked our watched and it was already 10plus! OMG! We didn't even realize that!! And truly, after 2 or 3 more songs, the concert "ended" with a mass karaoke of "我爱的人". God, it was so touching.
+Of course, we wanted more! So after rhythmic chants of "林宥嘉! 林宥嘉! 林宥嘉!", he came back on stage for an encore performance! After 2 or 3 soulful performances, he left and we demanded more once again! And, for the 2nd and last encore performances, we were treated to a lot, and I mean a lot, of rock songs, both english and chinese! Seriously, the ending of the concert was like a Mayday concert lah! And, he knew his concert was overrunning like crazy, so he said,"其实这段Encore是不勉强的. 如果你们想离开, 我不会怎样的." But who would leave??!! Even those who left after the first encore stopped in their tracks to rock to the final segment.
+"今晚我一定要唱到假音也没有." =)
+Then he went down again! By then it was already close to midnight! The stadium thought he would come back again but he didn't! Reason being he didn't sing "伯乐", "那首歌" and "你是我的眼"! Many fans didn't leave but when the lights came on and the band started packing up, we knew it was over for good. Some fans even started singing "伯乐" in their small groups! But seriously, I found it a real pity as well.
+Oh, did I mention he sang a lot of English songs! Yes! And they were WAAAAYYY better then Jolin's english songs. LOL.
+On a side note, we spotted many celebrities and DJs! They were: 洪乙心, 鹤天赐(Nat Ho), 张耀栋, 陈靓萱(Felicia Chin! God we didn't have a camera!), 李腾, 郭亮, 黄慧, 巫许玛丽, 谢家发, 周重庆, 林俊欣, 冯慧诗 and 大风吹's 主唱! I can't remember his name! LOL.
+In conclusion, a great concert, those who like him will like him even more, and those who don't will be involuntarily be won over.
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