Tuesday, June 8, 2010

You Found Me, You Found Me

+Yeah I know it's been so long, blah blah blah. But I've just celebrated my birthday in Malaysia, early yeah, with my relatives. It's all nice and everything but I just find birthdays depressing. (That being said, I also find Valentine's Day and Christmas depressing. LOL.) I dread it every year. It's unexplainable. Actually, no. It probably can be explained but I don't know the exact reason. If I have to guess, it'll probably be that I'll be yet another year older, closer to the end. Hahaha. And it's also depressing to see yourself looking significantly older than you did when you were 16.

+Oh, another reason would be that I would somehow feel lonely even though I am hardly lonely on any of those occasions. Strange huh.

+GAHHH I refuse to turn 21! If I could, I would stay 19 forever. That's the optimal age for me! You're still a teenager, but old enough to do all sorts of funny things and old enough for people to take you seriously.

+Of course celebrating birthdays are fun, but so is sleeping it away in bed. :D

+This is a nice song! Just saying.

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